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Our Chapel Mural was created by Tomie dePaola in 1958. Known for his more than 200 children’s books this mural was his first major work.

                       Saints in the Mural: (left to right)

Saint Rose of Lima was born in Lima, Peru about 100 years after the discovery of the New World. As a very young woman she consecrated herself to a life of prayer and service as a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic.  She died at the age of 30 on August 29, 1617.She is the first canonized saint of the Americas.  Her feast day is August 23rd.

Blessed Jane of Aza was the mother of our Father, Saint Dominic, and a most holy woman in her own right.  While she was pregnant with Saint Dominic, she experienced a vision of her child in the image of a dog carrying a torch in his mouth. The vision was reinforced by the bright light she saw shining from the baby’s head as he was baptized. She understood that Dominic would set the world on fire with his great preaching.  Her feast day is August 2nd.​

Saint Catherine of Siena is one of only four women honored as a Doctor of the Church and is known as a pillar of the Dominican Order. She was known for her holy asceticism, preaching, and works of mercy.  She counseled popes as well as government and religious leaders of her time.  Although illiterate, she left behind a legacy of prayers, letters and her Dialogue, which described her visionary conversations with God.   She died at the age of 33.  Her feast day is April 29th.

Mary, Mother of God
under the title Our Lady of Grace is the patron of our retreat House.

Saint Catherine de’ Ricci was a 16th century Dominican nun.  In her convent in Prato, Italy, Saint Catherine regularly experienced profound visions of Jesus and the Blessed Mother.  She was specially blessed by her mystical espousal to Christ and reception of the stigmata as depicted in the mural.  Her feast day is February 4th.

Saint Mary Magdalen is named in the Gospel of Luke as one of the women Jesus healed.  She followed Jesus and ministered to him from her own means.  She was present at the foot of the cross and among the first to recognize the risen Christ. Following Jesus’ command, she heralded the good news of his resurrection to the Apostles.  She is the patron saint of preachers and of the Dominican Order.  Her feast day is celebrated on July 22nd.

Saint Maria Goretti was a young person of great faith.  At the age of 12, she was murdered during an attempted rape.She appeared to her unrepentant attacker in a dream offering forgiveness.  She was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1950 and is thought by many to represent all oppressed women.  Her feast day is July 6th.

Dominican Retreat

and Conference Center

Mural in the Dominican Retreat Chapel

by Tomie dePaola