- * For 12 Step Programs, please see link on left sidebar*


Day/Evening Presentations

Hybrid Evening Program "How to Retire with Joy"  9/17/24

Hybrid Evening Presentation "A Conversation on Residential Schools"  10/08/24

In House Coffeehouse with Running the River  10/13/24

Hybrid Morning Presentation "Honoring the Saints in our Lives" 10/30/24

In House Presentation "Good Grief~ Navigating Loss and Finding Comfort During the Holidays."  11/7/24

In house Program "Peaceweavers: Weaving our Prayers"  11/12/24

Hybrid Evening of Prayer "Peace in our Hearts and in our World"  11/21/24

In House Presentation "A Day with 'It's a Wonderful Life' "  12/19/24

Book Clubs


Prayer and Meditation Series "Making Peace Within" via Zoom 9/12/24

In house Documentary Series "500 Nations"  9/10,  9/17,  9/2410/01/24 

In House Series "Making Final Arrangements"  9/11,  9/18,  9/25/24

In house "Qigong at the Retreat House"  9/12,  9/19,  9/26,  10/310/10/24

Hybrid Series "Cultivating a Contemplative Heart" 10/1510/22,10/29, 11/5/24

Virtual Advent Wreath Lighting  12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22/24
Advent Scripture Study via Zoom  “In the Company of Unconventional Foremothers”
12/3,  12/1012/17/24

Advent Lectio Divina via Zoom   12/3,  12/10,  12/17/24

Ongoing Prayer Opportunities -

HYBRID Sung Vespers in the Spirit of Taize - ​​

2024 9/19, 10/10, 11/07. 12/05

VIRTUAL "Centering Prayer"

2024 9/25, 10/23, 11/13, 12/18

VIRTUAL Pause for Peace

2024 9/10, 10/1, 11/19, 12/23


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Dominican Retreat

and Conference Center

Day and Evening Programs